lördag 14 januari 2012

Space wolves update

I have started to paint som Grey hunters for a Space wolves comission. So far I did a test mini and started on 3 more. I´ve been playing around with some different mixes for highligting the grey. So far I think i will go with the mix that´s on the second SW. All WIP shoots maybe except the first one.

Untill next time, happy painting!

2 kommentarer:

  1. nu när man ser några fler, så ser jag mer hur du tänker med armen. Det kommer bli redigt snygg sen när dom har mer färg på sig.

  2. G'day from Australia, The top grey hunter is exactly how i would like my army painted. have been scouring the net to find a scheme i like and love that one!!! would like to get in contact with you to maybe organise a commision. I desperatly need to get my army painted and i know i cannot do it any justice. please feel free to email me blockavii@live.com.

    Many thanks

